Thursday, January 14, 2010

Facts On Aids More Condition_symptoms Conservatives Tell Us How They Work More Than Liberals Yet Facts Show Red States Get The Most Welfare?

Conservatives tell us how they work more than Liberals yet facts show Red States get the most welfare? - facts on aids more condition_symptoms

All the facts show that the Member States to maximize government support, because the program is the social food stamps and social programs, the Red States. Why is this so?

Source: ...


PrivacyN... said...

Red States Federal Food Trough, Blue States Food
Monday 27 September 2004
The Tax Foundation has published an interesting report that shows the states that benefit from federal tax and spending policies, and states pay the bill.
The report shows that of the 32 states (and the District of Columbia), who voted "Winner" - received in federal spending than they pay in federal taxes - 76% Red States for George W. Bush in 2000. In fact, 17 of the 20% (85), which are the largest federal expenditure per dollar of federal taxes paid Red States. Here are the 10 countries that feed into the federal trough (with Red States highlighted in bold):

Most host states in federal spending per dollar of federal taxes:
1. DC (6.17 $)
2. North Dakota ($ 2.03)
3. New Mexico ($ 1.89)
4. Mississippi ($ 1.84)
5. Alaska ($ 1.82)
6. West Virginia ($ 1.74)
7. Montana ($ 1.64)
8. Alabama ($ 1.61)
9. South Dakota ($ 1.59)
10. Arkansas ($ 1.53)
In contrast, the 16 states that "; Losers "- the less government spending than they pay in federal taxes - are 69% blue states that voted for Al Gore, in 2000. In fact, 11 of the 14% (79) for the specific target federal spending dollars less in federal taxes paid are Blue States. They are the 10 states that supply feed for the federal-depression (with the Blue States highlighted in bold):
States that receive less public spending per dollar of federal taxes:
1. New Jersey ($ 0.62)
2. Connecticut ($ 0.64)
3. New Hampshire ($ 0.68)
4. Nevada ($ 0.73)
5. Illinois ($ 0.77)
6. Minnesota ($ 0.77)
7. Colorado ($ 0.79)
8. Massachusetts ($ 0.79)
9. California ($ 0.81)
10. New York ($ 0.81)
Two states - Florida and Oregon (coincidentally the two states closest to the 2000 presidential election) - received $ 1.00 of federal spending for every $ 1.00 paid in federal taxes.

U.S. Census

To say that "we have two terms of Bush brought in the wake !!!!!" Not everything is even more reason to trust what you hear from Republicans.

Sarcasm is an art form said...

I want to let the facts underlying your perfect argument, but you read this report before you throw your facts, "small"? This definition of welfare is very broad (as the statistics of the government majority).

First, it does not even include food stamps or social security for elderly or disabled.

It contains mainly primary and secondary education, higher education, highways and public transport, police, financial management, housing and community development, public services (water and electricity) and sanitary and "direct payments for the purchase or construction of hospitals .

These categories account for 90% of expenditure. So is your argument that building the Red states get more prosperous, and more schools, hospitals, roads and public transport per capita.

milcolle... said...

I guess I have not read your own link.
It appears that you misled a lot of ignorance to you.

The poorer countries gave less per capita than the rich countries on social assistance programs. As shown in the box at the top of Figure 3 is an average over the period 1977 to 2000, per capita spending on social welfare is positively correlated with the fiscal performance of the state. The 13 richest countries were (quartile 1) spent on average 639 $ per capita for welfare programs in this period, after the expenses are adjusted for inflation. The 12 poorest countries (Quartile 4) has only spent $ 408 per capita.

Miles from Michigan! said...

It means nothing!
I'm sitting here in Michigan, and Michigan, not me, it a blue state! Michigan is also one of the worst conditions are now voting! On the economic front.
Like GWBush Liberals, Conservatives, Michigan Jenny looks! It has done so much for contributing to the delinquency of Michigan, like any other company alone!
Michigan is in need of change, yes we can!

Miles from Michigan! said...

It means nothing!
I'm sitting here in Michigan, and Michigan, not me, it a blue state! Michigan is also one of the worst conditions are now voting! On the economic front.
Like GWBush Liberals, Conservatives, Michigan Jenny looks! It has done so much for contributing to the delinquency of Michigan, like any other company alone!
Michigan is in need of change, yes we can!

da_hal said...

The "I'm fine, but you're not a hypocrite" argument averse from work.

The defense is simply easier to deny and / or to weaken its case.

For example, when I was red and he tried this argument for me, the answer is simple: Of course, I am not on welfare and I know of is welfare, so that your information may be incorrect. "

mopar Mike aka tea party mobster said...

1 million people in the dark blue area of the city of New York benefits from the advantages of well-being alone. It's a little more than 10% of the population of this region, and after his own Source, NY, CA, MA, and CT are dark blue flat States was the largest recipients of welfare. Are you sure that you will not come back with this nonsense? God bless you.

ATJ said...

Since they are all in the state in it. The fact that a state that does not mean the flame red, that live all Republicans in the U.S. state of New York and most of upstate NY Republican nor a blue state and put Bush in two conditions for the activation of up!! !

ATJ said...

Since they are all in the state in it. The fact that a state that does not mean the flame red, that live all Republicans in the U.S. state of New York and most of upstate NY Republican nor a blue state and put Bush in two conditions for the activation of up!! !

Laura said...

Good question. If not for the state of Mississippi, Texas is at the forefront of this issue. Governor Goodhead (Perry) supports secession from the Union, but no one dares to come between him and his federal funding (please come browse) you to the entry of meetings: ...

skidboot... said...

The law also appears to the misconception that blacks were a majority of welfare recipients. The facts show something that the law does not admit that the whites are the majority of people on welfare.

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